Thanks for the questions guys - Erik first: I love the people of Austin, the lifestyle of Austin, the parks, the bike paths (although I never use them myself), Mr. Jim's shaved ice, Casa de Luz, the bats, AMOA, the lakes, the food, Hippie Hollow. It's hard for me to just talk about what I love - I have a natural desire to tell you what I don't like too - but I am resisting for now.
Toy Joy, Dhaba Joy, The Enchanted Forest, Flipside. I was born in Texas, and have lived up and down the I-Thirty Five corridor from the border to Denton. (I have also lived in Europe - and feel more like a European in attitude). Austin is the only place in Texas I would want to live - alas, I must leave her anyway :( More on that later.
There is a certain vibration of the city that is all laid back, ripped jeans and flip flops. (See Richard Linklater's film, "Slacker") Many hopeful souls move here with big ideas and big plans about taking Austin by storm and then quickly realizing that no one is paying attention to that big idea - they're all down at Barton Springs for a refreshing dip or on their bikes outside. Not too many professionals here make a living that will pay all the bills and you shouldn't expect to make much even if you move here with a job offer. So what does a highly motivated and brilliant mind do here? Live here, work anywhere else! Long story - I can go down any of these roads if you like - right now, I'm just spilling what comes to mind.
What Austin has done for me - I have healed here. Psychically and emotionally. Well, and physically too. My uncle is a chiropractor, so is my brother-in-law, and my husband is a massage therapist - how lucky for me to have so many true healers around me. I learned how to be healthy, embraced how to eat healthy, and the importance of love and intimate connection to one's overall health.
I have worked at the UT Performing Arts Center (a Bass family project) on a variety of Broadway shows, I have art directed and styled for "Austin Monthly", I met Liz Carpenter (LBJ's press secretary), shared BBQ with Ann Richards, went to Eeyore's Birthday, volunteered at SXSW, seen Marcia Ball in Zilker Park, done Flipside (twice), installed historical garments at the State History Museum and State Visitors Center. I have met some amazing people who hang out here in Austin.
The trees - I cannot say enough about the trees - Austin seems fairly strict about sustainable growth (although, Williamson county to the north is NOT) and they make developers keep/plant a certain amount of trees in order to build here - interestingly enough one developer is being sued for bulldozing an entire grove of trees that were not on their plans nor approved to be taken down. I have to admit, as I have watched Williamson county rip out all their trees and pave over the land with concrete, it has felt like a punch to the gut - we need our trees, People, otherwise, we are just locked in the garage with the car running!!
There is a playfulness to the city - like we're all just big kids - we have citywide pillow fights and citywide garage sales - and don't miss the Santa Rampage during the holidays!
All good stuff for the soul! Signing off for now - Chris, I will answer your question next time!