The premise is that you can find "healthy" options in any restaurant (even fast food) - apparently, the authors base the "health" of a food choice on the number of calories it contains rather than actual nutrient value. By that reasoning, iceberg lettuce would be healthiest food choice a person could make (look at the USDA website for nutrient comparisons of food - During this particular show, the author would give the audience two choices and ask them to guess which one they thought was "healthier" - one of these comparisons pitted a bagel with cream cheese against a sugar-coated donut. Most of the audience picked the bagel as healthier and this author actually stood up on national television and tried to tell us all that the donut was actually a "healthier" option because it had fewer calories and less fat!
This is ABSURD! Neither of these options is healthy. In fact, none of the options provided on screen were what I would call "healthy".
People, we need to take our health into our own hands - "Physician, heal thyself!" Here are a few websites and references: (click on "the Answer"), (Dr. Mercola is the author of many books on healthy living and I have found him to be a great resource), see the documentary "Super Size Me" by Morgan Spurlock - if this doesn't put you off of fast food forever, I don't know what will! Google: "World Health Organization, diet" and look around the site.
Everyday we are bombarded with blantantly false and subtly misleading information through advertising about what is 'healthy'. If you care about your health, stick to veggies and fruits as your primary dietary intake and get some exercise even if it's a 15 minute walk - if you can't do it for yourself, do it for the next generation. They are counting on us!