Friday, March 20, 2009

Report II From Austin and SXSW

What another great day to be alive in Austin, TX. Yesterday, my friend, Angela and I had the very good fortune to be invited to a free day party at The Independent where we were treated to one of the best bands I have heard in a long, long time: Red Riders from Australia (they also happen to be staying with my friend, Mel, from the previous post).  I heard many influences in their music, including The Alarm, little bit of Echo and The Bunnymen, bit a Midnight Oil, U2, even something from waaay back, Strawberry Alarm Clock.  I couldn't hear the lyrics, and don't know much about them but they made me want to dance and that has been rare for me lately!  Also, the lead singer has a great collection of guitars!  One is this beautiful golden red Rickenbacker with a unique arched sound hole.  I'm telling you, if these guys don't take off, then something is wrong with the world!

I have to thank a former colleague, Krissi, for the invite.  Her company did the PR for the party - the great things about these day parties are hardly anyone is there, you get to see bands who are showcased SXSW (meaning you can't get in to see them without a wristband or badge), and they are FREE!

After that wonderful surprise at the Independent, we headed over to Nuevo Leon for some great fish tacos - grilled fish with cabbage and guacamole - yummmm!  And that's why we live here...

On to the evening's activities: Gallery Lombardi where we were treated to an old school hip hop BBoy break dance competition.  I hate to just focus on this part of the opening because inside the gallery was some fresh tattoo-style, animated, Dia-de-los-Muertos, eclectic rock-hard art, but the BBoys had a majority of my attention.  That took me back to the old neighborhood in San Antonio - break dancing, skateboards and parachute pants!  There may have been a variety of groups involved, but all I could hear the DJ say was, "Footwork Fellowship" - I looked them up on You Tube - check it out.  It was a great night, Erik got some great shots:  Truth & Beauty


And we were still home before midnight!

Where there is dance, where there is music, where people gather to be audience and performer,
there is hope, and a future happy memory to get us through the bad times.

I love Austin....

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