Sunday, March 22, 2009

Report III from Austin and SXSW

It's late, I just got home from one hell of an amazing night!  Unfortunately, you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what went on because tonight, I am writing about Saturday's events.  It was quite eventful with one giant disappointment.  Saturday morning I got up very excited to get on with a day full of good music again - my goal was to see Erykah Badu play at Auditorium Shores that evening in a concert that included 3 days of free music.

First, it was off to Amanda and Robb's crawfish boil - yum!  Robb is a great cook and we always enjoy our invitations to share food with them.  We were there only briefly before heading downtown for the show.  We got down there easily with very little traffic, parked with no problems not even a line, then walked over to the Shores and into the grounds with no line!  How lucky!  Picked out a spot on the left of side of the stage and waited, and waited (we got there at 5:15)....7 o'clock came and went but we were patient knowing that Erykah the Egyptian goddess, prophetess, poetess was going to make us forget the hard dusty ground below our butts because we would be dancing!  

Finally, the band comes out, plays a couple of songs then leaves the stage - several minutes pass and we were all wondering if that was it.  Then comes Erykah, she plays two songs then leaves and that, folks, was it.  There was apparently some travel delay, but it took the melody right out of my day's song.  Completely disappointing.....

Erik did his best to cheer me up and we wound up walking around 6th Street.  There were people everywhere, 6th was blocked from Congress to 35.  We made it to Mother Egan's by 1 am to see another co-worker from Dallas, Dylan, play his showcase with one of his bands, The Crash that Took Me.  That cheered me up - very talented group - I heard the influences of Flaming Lips and Smashing Pumpkins.  You might also know Dylan from DARYL.  Go, Dylan, go!  All of them are very talented but the bass player and the drummer stood out I thought and later I heard they were a married couple and that he got his start drumming for speed metal bands!  Good chops, y'all!

Anyway, it's been a long time since I've seen 3 am, but see it I did and it was good...
Sleep well and tune in tomorrow when I will tell you about today's amazing adventure - made up for the Erykah thing and thensome.

I'm not completely done with this entry - links and possibly video will follow!

Good night,

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